Simple Tricks to Guard Your WoW Account

18 Dec

By: Jonas Collier

With the large following of World of Warcraft there certainly isn’t a lack of World of Warcraft players who will not stop at nothing in particular to make off with your World of Warcraft account. These people employ a far-reaching set of tactics to access to your WoW account from using email scams to hacking your password. Although being hacked is far from permanent, the nuisance of having to get hold of a GM worries most players. So you can avoid finding yourself incapable to play World of Warcraft for a couple of days while Blizzard restores your items, put in practice the following steps to secure your account.

Safeguarding Your Email Account

Your email address is quite likely the easiest way a hacker has at your World of Warcraft account. Many people employ a free email host, just like Hotmail, to meet their email needs. Unfortunately, these accounts are frequently the object of phishing scams that seek to swindle players into supplying the hacker your WoW account information.

Many times, these emails look real and many players get tricked into clicking on them to substantiate the information inside of the email. Once there, the website looks real, but in all actuality it is a fake version of the legitimate website that simply stores the information you have given for the hackers to use later to take control of your World of Warcraft account.

The simple thing to do is to go promptly to the World of Warcraft website to confirm any claims brought about by the emails. Refrain clicking the links as they will simply lead you to a lot of trouble. If any of the claims made in the email are true, your WoW account information will reflect on it.

Update Your World of Warcraft Account Passwords Frequently

This is, probably, the simplest function you can do to reduce a hacker’s ability to take over your account. The longer a player keeps their passwords the same, the more time a hacker has to figure them out. While it can be bothersome to recall changed passwords, it can be more painful to get your account restored. You won’t unnecessarily want to modify passwords each and every day, or even every week, but you must ponder changing them about once a month.

It remains worthwhile to tell you that you ought to be changing both your WoW account password and the password which is linked to the email address that your account is linked up with. It is also worth mentioning that these two passwords are not the same. The last thing you want to do is give the hacker your private information.


Utilizing the Authenticator is usually taken as an additional layer of protection for those players who have experienced being hacked before, but it may be the biggest deterrent you may get. For a couple of gold a World of Warcraft player may order an authenticator to link up to your World of Warcraft account which boosts your account security effectively. Options are provided for a dial up authenticator along with those that come as apps for various smart phones.

What the authenticator does is gives you a random password that contains 6 numbers. These numbers change each and every 30 seconds or so, which makes it hard for a hacker to keep track of. The password is utilized in addition to your normal account password.

You should take note that hackers are fond of putting accounts under an authenticator making it so it takes a phone call directly to Blizzard to fix your problems. The phone calls can take hours depending on when you call, so do yourself a favor and link one to your account first. By taking these steps it will make any hacker to earn your account, and likely just send them to find a much easier target.

For more info check out WoW Schools Review or Making Money using Alchemy.

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